Innovative and Collaborative Research Grant in Neuroscience 2025




Personnel belonging to Research Units (UMR) affiliated to NeuroMarseille can answer this call, including: researchers (CR, MCU, DR, Pr, PU), engineers (AI, IE, IR), as well as Post-docs and PhD students.


Projects must include at least two partners from different UMRs. If collaborating with one or more partners outside of NeuroMarseille, the funding will be limited to half of the maximum allocation. However, if the collaboration involves two NeuroMarseille partners along with one or more external partners, the full allocation will be available, but the external component will not be eligible for AMIDEX funding.


Research program

The research program must be particularly innovative and should not represent the continuation of an ongoing project. Priority will be given to novelty and innovation. Preliminary data, while encouraged, are not mandatory.


Evaluation criteria

The following points will be considered:


i) Feasibility of the program (including equipment, collaborations, personnel involved, etc.).


ii) Scientific quality of the project.


iii) Scientific quality of the participating teams, with a particular emphasis on their complementarity.


iv) Applicants’ past funding from NeuroMarseille and current funding from other institutions (e.g., ANR, etc.).


v) Applicants’ participation to NeuroMarseille activities (event organization and participation, task-force enrolment, management, etc.).



Technical program “plus”

The project must demonstrate that the requested equipment will be useful for the project as well as for the neuroscientific community of Marseille. Applicants must specify in which laboratory the equipment will be stored.


Eligible expenses

A detailed budget must be attached to the project proposal. Eligible expenses include: equipment, operating costs and undergraduate traineeship grants. As in any Amidex funded project, the purchase of a computer is prohibited or an exception following an explanation demonstrating its relevance and the impossibility of using an existing computer.

A template for the budget is provided in the downloadable Application Form.


Application modalities

Submission: The project submission deadline is October 20th, 2024, at 23:59. Applicants must use the Application Form downloadable below or on NeuroMarseille website


Evaluation: The Scientific Committee, composed of NeuroMarseille neuroscientists with the possible support of national experts, will evaluate and select the projects. The evaluations will be sent by e-mail to the applicants by the end of December, 2024.


Terms of engagement

It is mandatory to mention the support of NeuroMarseille in all scientific publications and communications in relation with the project:


This work has received support from the French government under the Program “Investissements d’Avenir”, Initiative d’Excellence d’Aix-Marseille Université via A*Midex funding (NeuroMarseille AMX-19-IET-004), and the ANR (ANR-17-EURE-0029).


The grantees involved in the project will be asked to:


  • BEFORE: provide with their application a brief description of their project for communication purposes: therefore it must be accessible to all
  • AFTER: send a brief scientific report, description of the results they have obtained, the objectives achieved and the follow-up envisaged (application for funding, publications, etc.), including a “data management plan”, i.e. a short section describing how data have been produced, documented. These results will have to be presented during a NeuroMarseille community gathering.
  • In addition, they can be asked to be part of the next Scientific Committee



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